Get Rid of That Pain in the Neck Through Physical Therapy

Are you frequently getting neck pain? If so, you’re not alone, as two-thirds of people get pain in their neck throughout life. The exact cause, however, is often different for most patients. 

So many conditions can result in neck pain, like arthritis or cervical disc disease. Even something as simple as looking down at your phone can add as much as 60 pounds of pressure on your neck, according to a recent study.

No matter what the cause is, Billy Reilly, MS, PT and Paul LaRosa, MS, PT can help you get rid of your neck pain through physical therapy. Read on to find out how.

Why your neck hurts

Neck pain can occur from a variety of problems. You might get pain in your neck from overusing the muscles. Poor posture and looking down at a screen for too long can strain your neck muscles and cause pain.

Your neck pain may just be the result of aging. As we age, the vertebrae, which are bones in your neck and spine, slowly break down and can cause inflammation. The following conditions may also cause pain in the neck:

Many cases of neck pain resolve on their own with proper home care. But if your neck pain is persistent and causes other issues, like headaches or it spreads to your legs or arms, contact Empire Physical Therapy & Athletic Rehabilitation, as it may require professional treatment.

How physical therapy can get rid of neck pain

Most cases of neck pain can be improved with physical therapy. Our specialists combine a variety of exercises with other treatments, such as heat therapy, while also educating you on proper posture and ways to prevent worsening neck pain.

Your physical therapist at Empire Physical Therapy first determines what’s causing your neck pain. When we pinpoint the cause, you’ll start an exercise program that builds strength and mobility in your cervical spine.

Strengthening your neck can increase mobility and reduce the amount of stress on your cervical spine. In fact, one study found that patients with neck pain who performed mobility exercises had significant pain reduction and found it easier to perform daily tasks.

Low-impact aerobic exercises, like walking or swimming, can also improve your neck pain. They promote blood flow to your neck muscles, which helps loosen them and reduce stiffness.

Treat your neck pain today

Ready to control your neck pain? Get started by setting up your appointment at Empire Physical Therapy & Athletic Rehabilitation, PC, located on the East Side of Manhattan in New York City. Call 646-491-9141 to speak with our friendly team or visit our website to request an appointment.

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