Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Knee Pain

There’s absolutely nothing fun about knee pain. Every time you take a step — and sometimes even when you don’t — there it is. Whether it’s a mild nuisance or excruciating, your mobility is affected. And not too long after, your quality of life is, too.

You may know someone who tried to power through knee pain, but there are many reasons why that’s not a good idea. 

Billy Reilly, MS, PT, and Paul LaRosa, MS, PT, are prepared to treat your knee pain and help you recover so you can engage in your favorite sports and activities. At Empire Physical Therapy & Athletic Rehabilitation, we work to create a nuanced treatment plan that addresses your unique pain history and needs. 

Many types of knee pain

Because your knee is a complex joint, there are lots of painful conditions that can emerge. Similarly, since your knee has so many moving parts, you might suffer pain behind your knee, in your kneecap, on either side of your knee, or deep within the joint itself. 

Knee joint maladies range from torn cartilage and fractures to a ruptured ligament and pain caused by osteoarthritis. Your knee could also go from being perfectly fine to quite damaged in a matter of seconds if you’re involved in a traumatic accident. 

Reasons not to minimize or disregard knee pain

With even a hint of knee pain, you may change your gait in a way that negatively affects your posture and the rest of your body. You might even be unaware of it. And if your knee pain is severe, you know how much you miss out on. 

Let’s think about all the critical jobs your knees perform. They:

In addition to sharply limiting your mobility, knee problems can be painful even when you’re at rest. 

Waiting to seek treatment for knee pain doesn’t just prolong your discomfort. It puts you at risk for further injury and extends the amount of time your movement is impaired. Treatment may prevent a fall or surgery.

Good news about knee pain: effective treatment options

As always, we at Empire Physical Therapy & Athletic Rehabilitation are ready to help when you experience stubborn knee problems. We base your treatment on your pain history, medical history, lifestyle, and goals. After thorough research and evaluation, we may offer: 

We also design treatment around a specific sport you may engage in, so your treatment is optimally targeted. 

Electrophysiological therapy, or e-stim, is an exciting physical therapy modality we use to address your knee problems by sending electrical pulses through your skin.

Depending on the type of e-stim, it can block pain receptors that go from your nerves to your brain, strengthen muscles by stimulating muscular contractions, or speed healing, among other benefits. 

We urge you to be proactive when it comes to knee pain. Call our New York City office to schedule an appointment or book one online. We’re located in the Midtown East section of Manhattan. We’ll do all we can to get you back to your active self.

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